SoundGirl is a dramatic film that follows the adventures of Fayte, a gifted DJ and beatmaker as she navigates the tumultuous underworld of beat battles with her ambitious all-woman sound crew. Over one Toronto weekend, ignited by the chaotic polyphony of the infectious Caribana carnival, young mom Fayte takes her last shot at a quest to be heard in the clubs, studios, sound clashes and after-hours joints. The rush to the Last Lap will determine if her decision to risk all that she has in the pursuit of her dream will truly set her free.

DIRECTED by Charles Officer

WRITTEN by Motion

MUSIC by L’Oqenz and Michelle Osis

DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY Michael McCaughlin   EDITED by Alex Brueckner

STARRING Zahra Bentham, Emmanuel Kobongo, Asha Thomas Alfred, Vanessa Cobham, Jelani J-Wyze Nias & Mark Strong

PRODUCED by Canadian Film Centre, Maurizio Trezzi, Johnathan Bronfman


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